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Society of
General physiologists

Major funding has been provided by

The SGP Excelsior Award identifies and promotes exceptional early career scientists under-represented within the fields of Physiology and Biophysics who seek to become scientists and mentors. This award is to promote those individuals who we anticipate will represent the future of our society and the future of Physiology and Biophysics.

Presented each year at the SGP Annual Meeting, the award includes a travel stipend to attend the meeting and present a platform talk, two years of formal mentorship from a senior member of SGP, and a one-year SGP membership.

Past Recipients

  2024 Lisandra Flores-Aldama


John del Rosario
  2022 Vivian González-Pérez


Angel Solis


  • The applicant must be in an Early Career stage: Senior postdoctoral fellow (i.e. actively pursuing a transition into the next professional step), Instructor, or non-tenure track Assistant Professor, and seeking a future career in science that involves mentoring the next generation of scientists.

  • Priority will be given to applicants whose research (current or future) aligns with the topic of the upcoming SGP Annual Meeting, held every fall.

  • All applicants will receive a complimentary one-year SGP membership.

Nomination packets must include the following:

  • Completed Excelsior Award Application Form. In addition to basic personal information, the applicant will need to provide the names and contact information for those who will write supporting letters (2). Referees can submit letters via the Excelsior Award Reference Form. at the All supporting documents need to be uploaded in PDF format.

  • Personal statement. This should be no more than 2 pages and should comment on the following:
    a)    Research and training background and the significance of the resulting publications

    b)    Additional scientific contributions that may not be apparent in the publication record.

    c)     Career goals and future research objectives

    d)    Broad impact statement. This should include a brief summary of your philosophy on diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as your views on mentoring and advocacy.

    • Curriculum Vitae or Biosketch.

    The Excelsior Award is made possible by generous support from individual and organizations.

    Major funding has been provided by

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